Education, learning

[REPOST]: Mentoring New Teachers Podcast-Episode 1

[REPOSTED from] Mentoring New Teachers Podcast-Episode 1 By Shawna Coppola When Stenhouse asked me if I wanted to mentor a new teacher through her first year and record the experience for posterity, I barely took a breath before saying yes. As someone who has taught for nearly two decades, I still feel the desire to… Continue reading [REPOST]: Mentoring New Teachers Podcast-Episode 1

digital writing, Education, Literacy, technology, writing

“Getting It Write” on the Dr. Will Show

This week, I was lucky enough to be interviewed by Dr. Will Deyamport for his podcast/vlog, "The Dr. Will Show," which focuses on issues around learning and education and has featured such incredible educators as Rafranz Davis, Christina Torres, Pernille Ripp, and Sarah Thomas, among many others. In this episode, Dr. Will asks me about… Continue reading “Getting It Write” on the Dr. Will Show

comics, Education

How Teachers REALLY Prepare for Back-To-School

Back in July, at the International Literacy Association's Annual Conference in Orlando, I was asked by my friends at Stenhouse Publishers how, as an educator, I prepared myself to go back to school each year. I was being filmed for promotional purposes that particular afternoon, and, not having had much time to prepare my answer or even… Continue reading How Teachers REALLY Prepare for Back-To-School

Education, learning

#EvaluateThat: The Hidden Cost of Teaching

Chances are you've heard of Teresa Danks, the Oklahoma teacher who recently resorted to panhandling at a local gas station near her home in order to buy needed supplies for her third grade classroom. After collecting approximately $50 in cash and then posting a meme of herself on Facebook, Teresa caught the attention of a… Continue reading #EvaluateThat: The Hidden Cost of Teaching

Education, learning

Make It Shine: A Reflection on the Opal School’s 2017 Summer Symposium

When my Rollinsford Grade School colleagues and I visited the Opal School in June for their annual Summer Symposium, we had barely had a chance to take a deep, cleansing breath before flying from New Hampshire to Portland, Oregon for three full days of professional learning. So much was nipping at our collective heels as… Continue reading Make It Shine: A Reflection on the Opal School’s 2017 Summer Symposium

books, Education, learning, Literacy, reading

Curating Your TBR Stack: A Primer

Those of you who write for educators can probably relate to the fear that what you have to say hasn't already been said a thousand times over; that your thinking is trite; that in your quest to support and inspire your colleagues, you're actually being patronizing by telling them things that they already know. While this may… Continue reading Curating Your TBR Stack: A Primer

Education, learning

Your First Inquiry: Design a Collaborative Learning Space

One of the finest aspects of being an educator is the opportunity to begin anew each school year. (That, and our annual pilgrimage to the dollar bin at Target. Helloooo, notebooks!) In what other profession does the end of summer bring with it a chance for a full-blown reboot, an occasion to annually re-invent ourselves? For many, this renewal starts… Continue reading Your First Inquiry: Design a Collaborative Learning Space

Education, Illustration, learning, Literacy

Have You Joined the #DoodleRevolution?

Hello friends! I was recently interviewed by Holly Korbey for a fantastic series she is writing for Mind/Shift called Books Teachers Share. It was so fun to talk to her about how Sunni Brown's The Doodle Revolution has shaped my thinking, both professionally and personally. It truly is a book that has changed my life for the… Continue reading Have You Joined the #DoodleRevolution?

Education, learning, Lessons Learned In Combat

#Upstander #Truth

Being an upstander--someone who stands up, who speaks out, and/or who takes action on behalf of others--is noble. It's commendable. It's the right way to be. Being an upstander is also freaking hard. Let's face it: standing up to injustice is tough. Speaking up about something you know is wrong is scary. It makes your… Continue reading #Upstander #Truth

Education, learning, Literacy, reading, writing

(UPDATED!) Expecting Too Much–and Too Little–of Literacy Teachers

I was reading a professional text recently that, in many ways, moved me to nod my head so frequently as I was reading that I looked like one of those bobble head turtles that you find at every craft fair and flea market. There was so much I loved about what the authors had to say about… Continue reading (UPDATED!) Expecting Too Much–and Too Little–of Literacy Teachers